Monday, July 31, 2006
Could it get any hotter?

Friday, July 28, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Fast Times at Champaign High

Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Annie and the Pirate

Monday, July 24, 2006
Eye of the Storm

Hurricane Marla abruptly changed direction and is headed north to the downtown area. Thus, the manse on Maplecrest will not be changed. (Marla is one of my buffalo trail running buddies to whom I offered elite space in my home because she lacked roommates for renting a place; problem solved when two friends agreed to live with her. Marla will no doubt beat on me for kidding her about this.)
Marla's cats Dexter and Spot would have been a shock to my extremely shy cat Maddie. Took Maddie to the vet a few days ago to treat her ulcerous lip, and feared the worst because she hasn't been to the vet for many years. She tured out to be the perfect patient because she was so scared that she lay on the examining table like a rag doll in complete surrender. She barely flinched when she got a shot of steroids.
Ran 10.5 miles yesterday at Kickapoo with the herd, then it was over to the Little Nugget near Danville for food and 75-cent drafts. 75-cent drafts on a Sunday morning with the buffaloes after a trail run. Life is good.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Hot? Wallow!

What does a proper buffalo do when it's steaming hot outside? Wallow, baby! Yeah!
Just find a spot of dirt outside, get down and roll around. You get one dirty bison but one that's cooled down and insect free.
Here's what it means when a buffalo gets down and dirty, according to Dale Lott in American Bison: A Natural History:
"Wallows are shallow pits where bison have torn away the soil with their horns and where the subsoil, dried by the sun and stirred by hooves and horns, turns to a flourlike dust. Bison wallow in the summer, especially during the middle of the day. Wallowing puts soil into and onto their coat. They can work so much nice, dry, powdery soil into their coat that as they walk away from the wallow it cascades down, jarred loose by each step. I have always thought bison were wallowing to make their hair a lousy place for lice and other parasites. I still think that's likely, but wallowing may also lower their heat load."
Monday, July 17, 2006
Gnarly Randomness

Caught "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" a few days ago on the tube. Have probably seen it a dozen times. Best parts of the movie for me are any scene involving Sean Penn as the stoned surfer Jeff Spicoli (photo). Always fun.
Sean Penn and a host of other stars are also in the movie "Thin Red Line," which is adapted from a novel about World War II and the battle for Guadalcanal in the Pacific. This movie is underappreciated, and has been both highly praised and torn to pieces by critics. I have the DVD and never tire of watching this flick. The cinematography and music alone are well worth the view.
Katie Couric coming to the CBS Evening News - a good reason to abandon TV news altogether. So much silly hype. Same with local news - "Your News Leader", "Storm Tracker Weather", blah blah blah. National Public Radio and WILL AM580 radio can't be beat if you are tired of the silly chat and other crap that accompanies half-hour stretched out newscasts that could be condensed to 15 minutes of real news.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Broiled Buffalo on the Trail

Also had an early morning run today at Allerton with Cassandra. Mud, pools of water and dive-bombing horseflies on the trail. The flies were quite annoying, but I always enjoy trail running in mud and water.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Rain, Lightning and the Big Burrito

Before the burrito binge we ran at Meadowbrook Park in the heat and humidity, so now after being properly fueled we drove out to the Buffalo Trace Trail in Mahomet for the third part of the challenge - a five-mile trail run with the burrito still a bulge to be reckoned with. Scarface, who was fueled only by rice and beans, joined us as thunder and lightning crashed the trail and lit up the darkness. The first mile was a bit hairy, with Devil Dawg cowering like a frightened puppy at the crack of far-off lightning strikes (this was not the fearless dawg who snarfed down black beans after inhaling the big burrito).
After a while rain started, and if sweat hadn't made us wet enough we were now thoroughly soaked. All was well until . . . BUFFALO DOWN! With less than a mile to go in the darkness a small stream and its slippery banks tripped up Scarface, Mohawk and Cousin Don and into the drink they went. Only a temporary stoppage, though, and we all finished the five-mile run with no "launching" of burritos, as others of the herd thought might happen. Challenge met!
Just another chapter in the adventures of the herd. More coming Thursday night as the herd grazes in Buffalo Nancy's yard.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Moon Run

There will be another moon run tonight, a special called the Burrito Loco Challenge: run about 4 miles at Meadowbrook Park with the Second Wind Running Club, then off to El Toro to eat a burrito loco, then drive to Mahomet to run the 5-mile trail again. As the huge burrito will be washed down with beer, the run at Mahomet could be a real challenge. Sometimes ya just gotta be goofy. It's a buffalo thing.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Buffalo Booze and the Hurricane

A co-worker tipped me off last week about Buffalo Trace bourbon being available locally at Friar Tuck's. This usually hard-to-get item, which bears the name of our fabled trail in Mahomet and of the race there, is finally here, so I went out immediately and bought a bottle. Pricey stuff but good I guess because it has won major awards. I'm not much of a bourbon drinker, but maybe I can use it to make a shot of buffalo sweat, which calls for 3/4 ounce of bourbon in a shot glass and adding 1/4 ounce tabasco sauce. Some other buffalo drinks that do not use bourbon: buffalo milk and white buffalo.
The weekend was busy with preparations for Hurricane Marla, which is currently northeast of me and slowly but surely moving southwesterly toward my neighborhood. Marla and tropical storms Dexter and Spot are all building in intensity. Stay tuned.
Friday, July 07, 2006
In the Eye of a Buffalo: Mission in the Moonlight

Earlier in the day: U.S. astronaut Jeff Williams (left) and the Russian commander of the International Space Station celebrate the docking of the shuttle Explorer with the space station. This happened yesterday before the herd saw the the two spacecraft as a far-away streaking speck of light.
So, I’m sitting in the parking lot of the Buffalo Trace Trail at Mahomet last night with fellow buffaloes Scarface, Devil Dawg, the Cable Guy, and Cousin Don. We’re being our usual silly selves after a trail run as we suck in the suds of various breweries when all of a sudden, “Look, up in the sky. It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s . . . what the hell is that?” Darting toward the three-quarters full moon in a cloudless sky is a small lighted object. Too fast for an airplane. “Its gonna hit the moon!” barks one overexcited bison. “The moon’s gonna explode!” Uh huh. Calmer minds prevailed. “It’s the space station.” Oooo. The light of the International Space Station and the shuttle Discovery streaked through the heavens and disappeared. Quite a sight.
Or maybe it was just a lightning bug. Just another adventurous night in the life of a buffalo.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
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