Thursday, April 06, 2006

Buffalo down . . .

. . . but not out. It felt like a kick in the gut when my buddy Bruce Rodgers (above left, with me after a Chicago triathlon), my triathlon training partner and chief antagonist, as well as a fierce competitor and one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, informed me that he had a leg stress fracture and would not be able to run all summer. He was signed up to do a marathon this weekend as well as triathlons this summer. He will also miss the River to River Relay race on April 22, where he would have joined me and other bison on the Buffalo relay team that will run 80 miles across southern Illinois.
I gave Bruce his Buffalo nickname, the Iron Bison, because of his incredible fete of finishing 4 Ironman triathlons. He seems to put that same determination into everything he does, and many people have benefited from his good works.
Don't let it get you down, Bruce. Heal up, Bro' Bison! You'll be back tougher and stronger than ever.

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