Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Fury: For Want of a Woman

Yeah, I'm obsessed with buffaloes and their behavior. Some guys get a little too violent for the hand (or hoof) of a woman. From Dale Lott's American Bison: A Natural History:
"Now an old bull bellows. His back arches, his belly lifts, his neck extends, and a sound that seems equal parts lion's roar and thunderclap booms across the grass. An eighteen-inch scar runs up his ribs. His horn tips, shattered in other battles, are blunted and worn. Fifty yards away his opponent, a six-year-old bull in his prime, bellows back . . . . headed toward the old bull in a menacing walk. His forefeet stamp with each step, making the hair pantaloons on his legs dance and exploding little puffs of dust from his coat. As each foot stamps, the bull snorts. His tail stands up like a living question mark. It's an impressive display . . . an intimidating one. But the old bull is not intimidated and now advances, matching stamp with stamp, snort with snort. As they grow closer their bellows intensify; they seem to signify pure fury. . . elongating their bulky bodies into animated battering rams as they launch themselves for the first blow. Their heads come together with a terrific shock. It ripples through their bodies in a visible wave. I once saw a bull somersaulted backward by such a charge: 2,000 pounds of bull flipped upside down like a lawn chair in a gust of wind."

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