Friday, June 16, 2006

Gimme a B, gimme a U, gimme an F . . . .

After a very hot run with the herd at the Buffalo Trace Trail at Mahomet last night, I quickly headed over to Marj and Wes’ house for a swim in their neighborhood lake. I was the first to arrive for their party, and quickly changed to my swimsuit. Waited for a few other buffalo to arrive, then into the water. The thermal layers in the water felt strange, with cold water from about the thighs down and warm water at the top. This was perfect, and with a pre-swim beer I felt good and had one of my better swims. Later on, after a couple more beers, I swam even better. This was good training. Far cry from swimming boring lane laps in a pool, and no kicks in the face from other competitors while doing a mass swim at a triathlon. I was perfectly at ease and didn’t tire the whole time. Maybe a beer or two before a triathlon would do the trick for the swim, but then again I’d probably plow my bike into a tree.

Newlyweds Marj and Wes gave us a party for the ages, and when Marla and the Great Byroni did their Saturday Night Live cheerleading skit (Buffalo Spirit!), we all ached with laughter.

And yes, Arathi, I did make it home. The beer with wine chasers just mellowed me.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Good. I wondered. :-) And I was pretty "mellow" too. See you soon again, I hope.

