Monday, June 05, 2006

Oh the Shark, Babe, Has Such Teeth, Dear

The Tri-Shark Triathlon at Moraine View State Park near Bloomington Saturday almost ate me up, especially in the swim portion, where I really struggled. Maybe if I had a modicum of training I would have not felt like I was about to be devoured. Once I got out of the water and into the transition area to peel off my wetsuit, the darn thing just didn't want to come off. Once on the bike I felt fine, and the run was decent. But my overall time was awful, and I can only blame myself. The weather was near perfect. Last year I managed to get an award, this year zilch. Still, the event was much fun as usual, with about 450 participants. This is a very popular event, a horde of Chicago-area athletes and others from all over Illinois and elsewhere converging here every year.

My buddy Bruce Rodgers, for the first and last time, whipped me in the swim, and he had a great race despite still trying to heal an injury. Bruce, get off that leg and rest.

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