Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Moon Run

Last night's full moon run at the Buffalo Trace Trail in Mahomet was the 76th consecutive one for the herd of Buffaloes Warriors. I warmed up for the run with an outer loop run of 2.7 miles, then did the 5-mile main run. The trail is unusually dry, so the footing was good and fast. Probably ran my fastest moon run ever, but the event is low key and speed is not a big deal. The faster I went, the footing got more treacherous, and lights are not allowed during the run. Very disappointed in the turnout of lightning bugs, which should have been prominent on the trail this time of year but were lacking in numbers. At a moon run last summer the bugs lit up wooded areas like Christmas trees. What a sight.

There will be another moon run tonight, a special called the Burrito Loco Challenge: run about 4 miles at Meadowbrook Park with the Second Wind Running Club, then off to El Toro to eat a burrito loco, then drive to Mahomet to run the 5-mile trail again. As the huge burrito will be washed down with beer, the run at Mahomet could be a real challenge. Sometimes ya just gotta be goofy. It's a buffalo thing.

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