Monday, August 21, 2006

Food & Drink: Black Cow to the Rescue

Munching on trail mix

Cassandra picking blueberries, a favorite of bears, along the trail.

I read before my last trip to the Appalachian Trail five years ago that hikers crave certain food and drinks as they backpack long distances. I found that to be true on that trip and even more so this time. We had the usual beef jerky, Pop Tarts, and fantastic trail mix made up by Cassandra. Actually, we brought enough trail mix to feed the greater part of China for a day. But I craved a few things more than anything: ice cream, ice cold beer and pizza.

We didn't rough it the whole way while out on the trail because in this part of Virginia there were campgrounds, and with them camp stores and restaurants. At one store I bought vanilla ice cream and root beer and devoured the traditional black cow. We even had a blackberry milk shake at one place. Heaven. We also stopped and had beer and a real meal, but for the most part we dug into our trail grub.

Next: Wildlife on the Trail - Bashful Bears and Prozac Deer; but Virginia, where were the snakes?

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