Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Thunder & Storm: Buffalo Reign

Storm and I just before he was placed on his concrete pad.

Storm settled in at his new home.

Me and my man Thunder when he arrived several months ago.

Thunder arrives at the Natural History Survey.

Thunder, my name for a taxidermied buffalo said to be 3 years old upon his death many years ago, was joined today at my workplace, the Illinois Natural History Survey, by a brother buffalo, whom I call Storm. The stately Thunder has stood in our lobby at work for several months, while Storm is now a sentinel at the outdoor entranceway to our building. Storm's concrete pad will be covered with another layer of concrete, this one colored, and plants and grasses will be put in the bare spots around him.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Now I definitely need to step over for a visit.
