Monday, October 02, 2006

Mad Dawg: A Bit of Ireland in the Herd

Besides the Devil Dawg, there is another mut in the buffalo herd, the Mad Dawg (Mark Daly). The mad mut is shown above during the Riddle Run (my favorite running event), the annual January "no matter what the weather" run (it was minus 11 degrees one year). In the photo he is carrying his array of international instruments, which includes an Australian didgeridoo and an Irish drum. Out on the trail, Mark entertained the runners as a one-man band. One of the ringleaders of the local "Irish mafia", the Mad Dawg is quite a character and was a regular at our Thursday evening trail runs at Mahomet. When he disclosed last year that he had brain cancer, I was stunned. Mark is a fun-loving, crazed guy, and the bad news hit like a brick in the eye. The Dawg has had his ups and downs in his battle with cancer, but he remains an active runner and biker, and nut case. One tough buffalo.

I ran a 5K race Saturday, the proceeds of which go to help Mark and his family in his cancer fight. It was quite a testament to the Mad Dawg with a good turnout of friends and supporters at the race.

My beloved Illni and Chicago Bears! What a weekend. Kicked butt.
Photography: Finally bought a digital camera this weekend, so expect many more photos in Tomfoolery.
Backpacking: Itching to take another backpacking trip out east, but don't know if I can make it soon. Would like to go as the leaves turn colors. If not, may go in November. Although it will be chillier, I'll just hunker down and stay by the campfire. Can't wait.

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