Thursday, October 19, 2006

Mom and Males and a Puppy Dog Tale

So, Me and Mom and Itchy Brother (bro Bill, better known as Wilhelm) and the Princess and Red Chief and the Timster are all sitting around Ma's place the other night talkin the family talk (Me and Ma draining the wine supply). And I notice some jewelry that Mom is going to polish and I pick up one of the pieces . . . a gold buffalo pin (see photo)! What the . . . ? Mom says it was given to her by her Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman boyfriend when she was on vacation in Canada during college days (her photo is from that era). Getting this collar insignia pin was like receiving a fraternity pin, although it was only a whirlwind 2-week romance. This was all before Mom, a UI Homecoming Queen, fell for a wild fraternity dude who, not long after graduation, became a fighter pilot during World War II. That be Pa.

My son the Timster had photos of his new dog, Ali Baba, so here's the little guy all dressed up in his tuxedo. Ali is still getting accustomed to his new digs, and when Tim comes home Ali gets so excited that he runs and tumbles down the steep stairs.

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