Monday, October 16, 2006

Thoughts While Grazing

Big buffalo weekend Oct. 27-29 - Halloween costume party Oct. 27. What am I gonna be? Allerton race Oct. 29 followed by herd gathering at Party Marty and the Sarge's house.

Bit of stressing lately with designs due for Allerton race t-shirt and Mammals of Illinois book cover.

Signed up for Owen-Putnam State Forest 13-mile "fun run" Nov. 4 in Indiana. Did the 31-mile ultra run last year, but this year I just want to camp out the night before to satisfy my campfire addiction and have a good run next morning on a hilly, beautiful course.

Thinking about joining Buffaloes on a trip to the JFK 50-mile run in Maryland/DC area Nov.17-19. Don't want to run that far, just backpack. Since part of the run is on the Appalachian Trail, I could drive out there with members of the herd and maybe do a short 2-day hike on the trail.

With my new camera, I expect to have plenty of photos of "adventures" to post. Don't you hate it when grass gets caught between your teeth?

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