Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Great fun yesterday seeing Red Chief with a huge grin and "Wow, look at all the snow!' after he was cooped up in day care all day. While shoveling snow at the palace of the Princess, the Chief laughed as I tossed snow on him. Terrific to see and hear a four-year-old's glee.

After I got home I went out on a run in the darkness, the best part being the nearby golf course, where only the tracks of a few cross-country skiers dented the snow. The running was not that difficult in the deep snow because it was powdery, but I did walk some. Very quiet and peaceful, and I had the place to myself. Everything was bright because of the snow. I guess nobody in his right mind would be out trudging around in the deep snow on a golf course on a winter night with single-digit temperatures.

After the run, to warm up I had my nightly glass of wine and watched the last part of "Deliverance". That movie always gives me the creeps.

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