Friday, March 16, 2007

Discovering Alfred

While doing research on Alfred Gross (here's Al doing taxidermy in the field on a bird in 1907), I have become obsessed with his experiences at the Illinois Natural History Survey. As an undergrad at the U of I he walked the entire state of Illinois collecting information about birds. His photos and letters from the early 1900s are fascinating, a great historical record, and I can't wait to see more of his writings and photos. Problem is, they're in Maine. Road trip? Maybe. I still have a Yellowstone trip to think about. Gotta get organized. More later.


  1. Yellowstone vs. Maine...hmm...I'd have to say go to Yellowstone! I've been three or four times now and I can't ever spend enough time at that place! Hope all is well Tom, I definately miss all my Natural History Survey people!!!

  2. Hey Nicholas!

    Man, it's good to hear from you. Yeah, I kinda lean toward Yellowstone. After all, there's almost 4000 buffalo out there. I hope all is going well with you.
