Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Asleep in the Earth

As I was mowing my lawn a few days ago I noticed what I first thought might be a dead cat in my back yard. To my astonishment as I got closer I discovered it was a red fox, which probably had been dead for no more than a day or two. It was getting dark, so I decided the best thing to do was to bury the little guy near a stand of tall pine trees in the corner of my yard. He was a beautiful animal, looking much like these photos but scrawnier than the fox in the bottom photo. It had a big bushy tail too. I'm not sure what caused his death, although there were tufts of his fur nearby. I didn't see teethmarks or other signs of violence, like what might be caused by a dog. I very rarely see stray dogs in my neighborhood. Whatever happened, the fox now rests, but I was saddened to have made such a discovery.

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