Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Spider Biker and Muddy Buffaloes

Insect on wheels

The "fast shoes"

Goose Buster wades while Devil Dawg washes off mud on the horse trail.

Red Chief these days is into Spiderman, so much so that when the Princess dropped him off at my place this weekend, out from the car came . . . Spiderman (the insect on the bike above). Ethan's Spiderman shoes are the result of his request for "fast shoes" to help him run faster. Believe me, the little guy can run quite fast. He and I had some sprint races in the park and although I wasn't going all out, I wasn't slouching either, and the little guy kept up with me. Those little buffalo legs really move when he wears his "fast shoes."

Had a fine mud run with buffalo buddies Devil Dawg, Cousin Don, Mr. Bill, and Goose Buster this weekend on a horse trail at Middle Fork State Fish & Wildlife Area near Oakwood. A muggy day on a mud-choked trail dotted with manure and who knows what else left behind by horses. Trail running at its best, though, followed by a buffalo pig-out at a truck stop.

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