Friday, June 01, 2007

Blue Moon Run

I snapped this photo moments before this group of buffaloes started the first full moon run in July 2000. Pictured are (front row, from left) Hiro Asari (the first MoonMaster, now living in Wisconsin), Speedy Scottish Dave (Dave Scott, now living in Missouri), and Audrey Ishii. Back row, from left, Chris Migotsky (current MoonMaster), Jeff Skibbe, Jeff Riddle, Wes Seitz, Joan Bessman (moved to Iowa), and Scarface (Tony Suttle).

The full moon run last evening at the Mahomet trail was under a blue moon, the second full moon of May. An orange hazy moon, wisps of fog, and fireflies made the scene reminiscent of the first moon run in July 2000, but a brighter moon and more fireflies still make that first moon run the prettiest on record.

Some moon run history:

Dec. 11, 2000 - Chris Migotsky and I ran in a blizzard at the trail. This still ranks as one of my favorites, with a wicked west wind practically stopping us in our tracks and biting snow slapping our faces. Running easterly though, we had quite a shove from the wind at our back.

February 8, 2001 - Big turnout of runners for a mushy run over a trail wet from rain and melted snow. Lightning flashes were around but not close. Tony Suttle is nicked by a thorny tree that refused to get out of his way, thus giving birth to the nickname "Scarface." Wonder Calves Duane Frichtl provides banana moon pies to runners.

With a huge stack of photos and all the Second Wind newsletter back issues, I am compiling a lot of material for a history of the Buffaloes going back to the herd's roots in 1999, and preface material before that. This thing could be the size of a book when finished.

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