Monday, July 16, 2007

Chief of the Court

Red Chief and I have had many good times, but Saturday night was one of the best. With the Princess out for some well-deserved socializing, Ethan and I swam, rode bikes, and played basketball. I was surprised when the Chief suggested that we go to the park and play basketball, but bring only a regulation-size ball, not his soccer ball, to heave up to the basket. Picture if you will a five-year-old kid, small for his age, gripping an adult-size basketball, bending far down at the knees, placing the ball, which almost touched the ground, between his feet, giving the basket a serious look, then heaving the ball up with all his might. The first several times his arc was a little off, the ball going almost straight up in the air, but finally he hit the rim. The fact that he hurled it 10 feet was quite an accomplishment. Then it happened. I think I was more thrilled than he was when the ball bounced on the rim a couple of times and went through the net. A few more errant shots and some foot-stomping frustration on his part, then . . . another basket . . . immediately followed by another. The shooting went on and on, until at one point the little guy put in four shots in a row! I should note that the rim was the regulation 10 feet from the ground, not a smaller distance for kids.

Then we rode our bikes home, built a fire in the pit on the patio, and talked about hiring an agent.

(I was later informed that the Chief had been practicing basketball at another locale, but his feat was still amazing. After his full evening of swimming, basketball, and bike riding, Princess told me the little guy fell asleep in the car on the way home.)


  1. Too cute! Sounds like you've got quite a little athlete on your hands - sticktoitiveness is the hardest part and he's got that down!

  2. A few too many hissy fits when the ball just didn't go where it was supposed to. But he was determined.
