Monday, July 30, 2007

Chief Pickin' and Bison Bakin'

I snapped the photos of Red Chief (in sweaty Elvis contemplative mood) this weekend jammin with the guitar I gave him. He says he needs a pick to play well. May distribute this photo worldwide when he hits the big time with his band and has the money rolling in for him and the Princess. The shot of fellow Buffaloes Wokman and Freezy Girl was taken at the Badwater ultra race where they helped crew for Devil Dawg. I'll bet the buffalo hats didn't stay on long in the 120-degree heat.

Last evening I mowed lawns, did laundry, walked Ali and began watching Forrest Gump with son Tim when all of a sudden I remembered - The Moon Run! I was missing it! I have made every full moon run on the trail since last fall, but with much to do and watching one of my favorite movies with my little boy, I just forgot.

I'll be watching Red Chief for three days this week while his day care people take vacation. Plans are for swimming, basketball, walking Ali (always an adventure), visits to ice cream places, going to the park, riding bikes, watching movies, and maybe some jamming with our guitars.

Meanwhile triathlon training is going, but not well. Backpacking and camping are heavily on my mind, but discovering a big group of bloggers who are triathletes has been invigorating.


  1. I'm with you on the tug of war between backpacking/camping and training. I console myself with the fact that the best backpacking is in the early spring and fall, when race season is not in full swing and you can work stuff in. I'll be marathon training this fall, but with recovery weeks and some creativity, I'm going to work in a couple of short backpacking trips. It will mean getting up and running before hitting the trail, which should be interesting but its gotta be good training in the bank!

  2. Yeah, I think fall (October) is the best time for backpacking. For me, I've always had to do it in summer or in November, when it can get kinda cold. I was on the Appalachian Trail in Virginia a few years back and it got down to 20 degrees at night in mid-November. Couldn't sleep, but sitting by a campfire all bundled up was terrific.

  3. Always fun watching the grandkids, but even better sending them home! I am a mom of 4 kids, and while I love the 2 grandkids, I am ready for them to leave when they do. Enjoy while he is there.
