Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Pride of the Buffalo Nation: Dawg and Mechanic Finish Badwater

Devil Dawg and his support crew of buffaloes at Badwater. From left are Freezy Girl, Wokman, the Dawg, Riddler, Mr. Clean, Barb Wire, and S&M. Freezy Girl and Wokman have migrated to Louisiana but keep in touch and visit us occasionally, as does Barb Wire, who is living in San Diego, and Mr. Clean, who is in the Chicago burbs. The Buffaloes are indeed a herd family.

The Mechanic at the finish.

Tracy, weary but satisfied.

I'm bursting with pride this morning because my good friends Tracy Thomas and Brian Kuhn have completed the 135-mile Badwater ultramarathon in Death Valley, California. This is one of the most demanding races in America, and of the 84 runners who began the race Brian finished in 21st place with a time of 37:25:52 and Tracy was right behind him in 22nd place with a 37:26:44 time. Over 37 hours of endurance running in steaming temperatures. Crazy buffaloes, but quite a milestone in the annals of the herd. Tremendous performance in a field of talented international ultrarunners.

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