Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Down the Avenue and in the Garden with the Dairy Queen

My favorite Fu Dog

One of the many Chinese musicians

The Dairy Queen

Last weekend: Wow. Started off with a good time with Red Chief followed by another episode of Survivorman, who had it pretty good this week on an island in the South Pacific. He had plenty of fresh water thanks to heavy rains and there seemed to be food aplenty with coconuts, crabs, snails and other creatures about. All in all, I thought this was his easiest stint.

Spent a beautiful Sunday afternoon at Allerton Park near Monticello strolling with the Dairy Queen along the Fu Dog Garden, down the Avenue of the Chinese Musicians, and around the stately Allerton mansion. Dairy Queen? That's Kathy (above, in sunglasses), and although she has not formally met any of the herd, she already has a buffalo nickname. She is fond of dairy products, so that was an easy one. So yes, to any buffaloes tuned in, Democrat Tom actually has a hug buddy. I've warned her of the herd "mentality", but she will soon have to experience it firsthand. (She knows how fond I am of my bison homies.)


  1. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Does this mean I don't have a date any more when Dave's not around?

    Just kidding. Way to go, Thomas!


  2. I told the Dairy Queen that you would probably respond. We can still giggle and sip some wine, Arathi. I've told Kathy all about you, and she would like to have someone to eat Indian food with. She loves Indian food.

  3. Anonymous2:01 PM

    hubba hubba
    You can't go wrong with woman with fiery red hair that loves ice cream.

  4. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Nice blog. My name is Jonathan Rubin and I am a science reporter for Medill Newswire Service here in Chicago. I will be doing a story on the Fermilab Buffaloes tomorrow and I came across your blog.
    I'll be writing the story tomorrow but I'd love to speak to you if possible. My cell phone is (401) 323-8804.



  5. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Excellent picture. I anticipate meeting you Buffalo Soldier. Wolf Woman is awsome. The leader of the pack. Talk soon. Lone Wolf.
