Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Yellowstone's Wolf Packs

I would be happy just to catch of glimpse of some of these magnificent animals during my upcoming Yellowstone trip. A predator of the buffalo, the wolves at Yellowstone have been identified as being in 13 distinct packs numbering 137 wolves in all. The smallest pack has 4 individuals, the largest 19. More packs exist just outside of Yellowstone's boundaries. The wolf's main prey in Yellowstone has been elk, but old, sick and very young buffalo also have been victims of wolf packs. I have seen video of mother buffaloes protecting their young by kicking and goring wolfs, even tossing them in the air, but much of the time young buffaloes become isolated and are seized by the wolves. Occasionally buffalo bulls form a defense for helpless buffalo and ward off wolves with a tough stance.

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