Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Dead Buffalo Walking

Terror in the eye of a Yellowstone buffalo about to be trucked away from the park.

Or maybe better titled "The Sounds of Silence." Read THIS and watch and listen closely to the video. The clatter of buffalo hooves is a testament to the mismanagement and mistreatment of a treasured creature whose life will end at a slaughterhouse. As THIS New York Times article states, "This was not the Yellowstone National Park that tourists see."

1 comment:

  1. And, that New York Times article wasn't even very good. The article would have you believe that Montana is the victim here; in fact, all the government agencies in collusion under the IBMP are responsible.

    It's a madness that produces a lot of sadness.

    We're starting to organize locally in Bozeman, but it's certainly too late for these buffalo. It will take a lot of changes to make much of a difference.
