Friday, April 18, 2008

Rumblings on the Prairie

The epicenter of the earthquake at 4:30 this morning was not at West Salem, Illinois, a hundred miles south of here, as reported in the national media. It was on Maplecrest Drive in Champaign, where I repeatedly banged my head against the wall during my breakfast of rage about the killing of almost half of the Yellowstone buffalo herd. I regularly read dozens of blogs and newspaper accounts out of the Yellowstone area about the buffalo fiasco. Plenty of well-meaning folks out there, but positive action and results on behalf of the buffalo are tough to come by. Pass the Tylenol.

UPDATE, 10:16 a.m. - Earthquake aftershocks just felt. A good shaking of our office building. Must be the buffalo ghost herd on the move.


  1. Tom,

    I've seen large non-governmental organizations sell out grassroots movements and those they were supposed to be fighting for before. It has never hit me so personally as has the betrayal of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition, the National Wildlife Federation, and the National Parks Conservation Association on the buffalo. They will be sending out fundraising appeals for this deal; I wonder if one thing that the online world can do is challenge this appeal wherever it shows up in cyberspace. Expose them and this deal for what it is.

    Genevieve says I should go with a sign and picket the Greater Yellowstone Coalition offices (only six very short blocks from my home).

    What do you think?

  2. Jim,

    Yes, I have read with disgust about the johnny-come-lately "actions" of the GYC and others. The late appeal of the Defenders of Wildlife was pathetic. Just more reasons why I support and love the Buffalo Field Campaign folks. If I had the time and money I would be out there with them, believe me.

    Genevieve is on the right track. I think I would rather sit down with GYC people face to face and throw some hard questions at them. Some real substantive stuff.

    God, how I wish I could have been at that prayer ceremony the other day. I know I would have broken down knowing that skull was part of a living buffalo not long ago.

    Hang in there and thanks so much for all you are doing. And give my regards to the gang at BFC.
