Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Bison by Any Other Name is a Buffalo

A Yellowstone bison. Or is it a water buffalo?

I have just finished chewing on my computer because of the following message, from an anonymous source, on the WEBSITE of the Buffalo Allies of Bozeman (Montana), a group dedicated to the conservation of the Yellowstone buffaloes: "You are not helping your cause by misnaming the creatures you wish to protect. The only true buffaloes are cape buffaloes and water buffaloes which I believe here in North America are all kept in zoos. If you wish to protect bison, then that's what you should call them and your organization. That is their proper name of which you should be aware. To further promote the misnaming of these animals may be counterproductive. I support the protection of bison but will never support any organization that doesn't use their proper name."

Good God. I just wanna smack people like that. Bison are commonly known as buffalo. No one needs narrow-minded views and silly "correctness." Using the term buffalo counterproductive? What crap. We're not talking about Asia or South Africa here, for Christ's sake. Look at the website. It says Bozeman. That's in Montana, which is in the United States. The message might have been written by someone with a grudge, or a troublemaker. If he or she is neither of those, then they are just plain aloof, or pretty damn silly. C'mon, just climb out of your high chair and do what you can for the buffalo, or bison. If the name is such an issue, then disappear, please. You are counterproductive.

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