Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Going Lunar: Seven Days on the Trail

I have signed up for a seven-day trail race at the Buffalo Trace Trail at Mahomet. For this informal race each runner will strive to complete five miles on each of the seven consecutive days June 15-21. The organizer of the race is my lunatic buddy and fellow buffalo Chris Migotsky (above left, with me after completing a 31-mile trail race in a single day at Owen-Putnam State Forest in Indiana a few years ago). Those long legs of the tall Moon Master, as Chris is known to the herd, meant long strides, which I had to keep up with while we ran the trail together. Chris has been the coordinator of the full moon runs on the Buffalo Trace Trail, when the herd gathers on the night of each full moon during the year and runs the 5-mile trail, sometimes under beautiful moonlight, sometimes in bone-chilling cold, sometimes in a driving rainstorm. The moon run of June 18 during the trail race will be the 100th moon run.

Coming Soon: Recap of the Memorial Day Weekend. Don't miss adventures with the Wolf Woman, the Princess, Red Chief, Little Bull, Bull Daddy and Lanata, and the migration of my sister's herd from up north to the central Illinois prairie.

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