Friday, July 25, 2008

Good Judgment

Gray Wolves

In a recent decision, a federal district judge in Montana ruled that gray wolves in the northern Rockies must be returned to the Endangered Species List. The decision is expected to halt plans by Montana, Wyoming and Idaho to allow public hunts for wolves. An inordinate number of wolves had been killed since the delisting. Wolves in those three states were removed from the endangered list in March following a decade-long restoration effort. Organizations that included the American Humane Society, The Defenders of Wildlife, and the Sierra Club sued to overturn the decision to delist the wolves. The region has an estimated 2,000 wolves.

Incidentally, I respect the federal judge in the above case, Donald Molloy. A couple of his other decisions, among many that could be considered environmentally friendly:

2002 — shut down 176 million board-feet of salvage logging on the Bitterroot National Forest, ruling that the Bush administration and the U.S. Forest Service illegally cut off public appeals.

2003 — ordered W.R. Grace and Co. to pay the federal government $54.5 million to help clean up the company’s asbestos mess in Libby, Montana, the largest fine ordered after a trial in EPA Superfund history.


  1. Oh my goodness, that wolf puppy is SO CUTE!

  2. I second Sandra on the wolf puppy!

    I love your blog, Tom! I put up links to both yours and Sandra's at my new blog (inspired to begin it after returning from Badwater this year). Check it out sometime!

    Great spending some time with you for the Buffalo 7 day several weeks ago...

    Happy trails my friend,

    Connie :)

  3. Anonymous11:15 PM


    Forgot to leave a link to my blog in my previous post...come on by for some coffee talk and let me know what you think...

    Connie :)

  4. Sandra and Connie,

    It's very sad to think that some wolf pups are motherless after the indiscriminate killings.

  5. Anonymous9:57 PM


    Oh dear...I didn't think of that...of those poor orphan wolf babies. :(

    Do other wolf adults take them under their wings?

    Happy trails,

    Connie :)
