Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Friend of the Buffalo

The guy on the right is Jay Inslee. He's a Democrat and U.S. representative from the state of Washington. A few days ago I didn't know squat about Mr. Inslee, then I read that he is one of several individuals mentioned for the post of Secretary of the Interior in the Obama administration. I did some digging on the guy and found that he is a leader in Congress on energy and natural resources issues and is the prime sponsor of the New Apollo Energy Act, a comprehensive plan to build a clean energy economy in America. He has been called an "environmental hero" by the League of Conservation Voters and has received awards and praise from the Humane Society of the United States. AND, he has voted against the bailout of financial institutions and against the war in Iraq.

Now, all that is very fine with me, but imagine my delight when I found out he has been a staunch supporter of the Yellowstone buffalo, voting twice on bills presented before Congress on behalf of the preservation of wild buffalo. Even before those bills were presented, he co-authored a congressional letter to the National Park Service in 2003 that asked some tough questions about the slaughter of buffalo that left the park. I don't know how good his chances are of getting the Interior post, but it's comforting to know that the National Park Service and Yellowstone could be under his charge.


  1. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Gee, and he's cute, too!

  2. And so is the buffalo.

  3. Hope Obama loads up his cabinet with good people like Jay. Cross those fingers!

  4. Jay is not a "high profile" figure, so his chances of getting the post may not be as good as others. However, he is doing a lot of good right where he is. Very strong on environmental, wildlife and energy issues.

  5. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Comments about Inslee would come up in conversation while I lived in WA state, as I hiked and climbed the Cascade Ranges quite often. How ironic his name is coming up in this context now...I hope he is appointed.

    Happy trails,

    Connie :)
