Tuesday, January 13, 2009

An Unlikely Friend of the Buffalo

Photo of Jarid Manos from the cover of his book.

Jarid on the plains.

Got an e-mail this morning from one of the Buffalo Allies of Bozeman, Montana, with a link to information about Jarid Manos. I had never heard of Jarid but instantly I became interested when I read the following he had written in response to an article on the Scientific American magazine website about the slaughter of buffalo at Yellowstone National Park:

"The buffalo have suffered so much yet the last wild herd left in the Yellowstone area are being blamed and killed for a cattle disease that came with ranchers' European cattle and the conquest of the West. Buffalo are not relics of the past; they are living, breathing survivors of a catastrophic violence that has turned the Great Plains --- the Garden of Eden that once was America's prairies and plains-- into a beaten, struggling, overgrazed death zone. America publicly prides itself on concepts of fairness and decency, yet until we as a nation move past our pathological violence against the Earth, each other, and ourselves, we will never evolve, and in fact likely find that same death and misery ultimately catching up to us too in the end. By healing the Earth, we can heal ourselves, and that is our our crucible and sacrament in the new millennium, embodied in our stricken Great Plains like no other."

Jarid Manos
Author/Ghetto Plainsman www.ghettoplainsman.com
Great Plains Restoration Council www.gprc.org

His book is now on my must-read list. Click on the links above to read more about Jarid. Remarkable story.

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