Thursday, October 29, 2009

To Camp or Not to Camp

Signed up for the Tecumseh Trail Marathon in December in Indiana, and may camp instead of getting a hotel room. Camping. In December. I'll give it more thought. I've camped in 17-degree weather, a night I'll never forget. I was in the Army at the time, and it was a record-setting low temperature for that November night near Augusta, Georgia. We did not have down sleeping bags, of course, and were ill-equipped for the cold snap. Not ideal training conditions for my next military post, Vietnam, where I would be two months later.


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Okay, Thomas, you have officially lost your ever-lovin' mind. Not only are you going to run the thing, but you're going to camp in December??? All I can say is all the wine is finally soaking into your brain.

    You know I love you. :-)


  2. It's not the wine, it's all this friggin rain. I'm waterlogged.
