Monday, May 22, 2006

Race over, normal life resumes

Waking up Saturday at 4:10 a.m. was normal, but waking up to the thought that 160 runners, walkers and volunteers would be converging to do things that I was responsible for as race director was a stronger stimulant than eating a pound of coffee beans. For the 5-mile Buffalo Trace Trail Race, insurance, flyers, t-shirts (second photo), awards (top photo), race numbers, giveaways, food and drink, entry applications and money, data entry, course marking, and race results and scoring somehow all came together. Weather was the last and only factor that I could do absolutely nothing about, but after last year's gray and damp 32-degree race day it just had to be better. In fact, it was perfect. Sunny, slight breeze. I had good, reliable people working the race, so I was relaxed knowing that race registration, course guides, aid station, race results, and food and drink distribution were in good hands. The race went well, but I am quite relieved that it is over. I just hope everyone had fun.

The rest of the spring and summer I will train for and participate in triathlons. In August, though, there is the potential for two hurricanes that might have quite an impact on life as I know it.

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