Wednesday, May 17, 2006

"What are the buffalo doing that is so wrong?"

So rants a steamed homeowner at the outskirts of Yellowstone National Park after Montana Department of Livestock agents invaded his land without prior notification to haze bison that had strayed from the park to seek food. The homeowner tells agents that the buffalo can eat the grass on his land. "Leave them alone when they're in my yard," he demands. He adds that his neighbors feel the same way. The angry homeowner then shouts, "They've been here longer than all of us." So true; hundreds of years before human settlement. The homeowner is part of some very powerful video footage at the website of the Buffalo Field Campaign. If you are an admirer of wildlife, a warning: one video shows buffalo being gunned down one by one.

Yeah, there are tree huggers . . . and there are buffalo huggers like me.

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