Friday, June 30, 2006

Was I to Sleep with the Fishes?

My buddy and fellow buffalo Bruce Rodgers appeared at my office doorway this morning with a package that was about the same size and shape as the box that held Clemenza's shotgun in "The Godfather." But there was no sudden opening of the box and blazing away. I opened the box to find two hiking poles that were a gift for my Appalachian Trail jaunt in August. I had casually mentioned these to Bruce, and it's just like him to do this sort of thing. The poles will be used to steady me on climbs and descents of the Virginia hills. They can also be used to stab at snakes and to whack Cassandra if she gives me trouble.

The overweight and sweating Clemenza had difficulty in climbing the stairs to carry out the assassination of a mob leader in a hotel elevator. Bruce, who could probably eat more than Clemenza, has managed to stay in shape. To make Bruce an offer he can't refuse, just put a plate of Mexican food in front of him.

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