Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Good Times

The long weekend (some highlights):

Saturday night- Buffalo party at Tracy & Laura's. I now deem Tracy the Mojito Momma for making batches of the rum/mint drink that tasted so good.

Sunday afternoon - Mojitos aftermath made swimming in a small lake seem like a swim across the Atlantic.

Monday night - Neighborhood fireworks show with Red Chief (grandson Ethan) and my baby boy Tim. What a sight to see the Ethan with mouth wide open and a slow whispered "wow" as the fireworks boomed.

Tuesday (Fourth of July) - Pulled tags off race numbers of about 380 very sweaty runners as a volunteer for the Freedom Run 5K race. Got more cooties than anyone in Champaign County. Then off to Hooters for Buffalo Jay Pineapple's third annual Fourth of July pretend birthday. Jay needed more sangria before attempting the hula hoop. Later to Buffalo Trace Trail in Mahomet to run with Cassandra and her sister Kelly. Much fun. Beautiful sunset on the trail. Ended a fine day with ice ceam and the satisfaction of a 13-0 White Sox win.

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