Friday, September 12, 2008

Eyes Open, Legs Moving

Randomness from the Prairie:

Almost every weekday morning I grab my coffee and turn on "Morning Joe" on MSNBC. A lot of political analysis there. This presidential election has me wrapped up, but I am getting weary of it. Lies, gimmicks, and hype abound, the biggest gimmick being the moose munching hockey momma. You can put lipstick on a gimmick, but it's still a gimmick.

I've been alternating walking and biking to work, thus giving very little to the oil barons. I use my car as little as possible these days.

I have a dream . . . to walk all the way to Yellowstone. I wish I could be there this coming winter to help out the Buffalo Field Campaign and the Buffalo Allies of Bozeman, two groups (see their listings under my herd of links at right) that are doing so much to help the wild buffalo out there. I appreciate the dedicated folks in those groups more than they can know. I receive regular e-mails from both groups carefully follow their work. For the buffalo, wolves, other wildlife and the environment in general, check out Ralph Maughan's Wildlife Reports in my herd link list at right. Ralph and his regular commentors at the site are truly enlightening; a lively forum.

I'm Tom Rice and I approve this message.


  1. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I so much enjoy and appreciate your blog and the content of it, Tom.

    Respecting the buffalo as well as all wildlife and the Earth is more important than anything because people who do that respect life and each other.

    Couldn't agree more with you about the political blowhards.

    Happy trails,

    Connie :O

  2. I made my firt trip to Yellowstone a year ago and thought I had died and gone to heaven. Maybe the ultimate place for me.

    Politics is getting almost unbearable right now.
