Friday, September 05, 2008

Fear and Loathing of the Hockey Mom

This disturbing video from the Defenders of Wildlife tells of the destructive thinking of Sarah Palin.

Bite the bitch. Aerial hunting is for cowards. At least get off your ass and get on your feet. Better yet, don't hunt at all.

She also strongly favors drilling for oil in Alaska's pristine ARCTIC NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE, a stance that even John McCain does not support.


  1. I agree Tom! Palin's environmental record is atrocious. But I have a good feeling about November!!

  2. Though I am a hunter, anyone that shoots from a plane, helicopter, ATV, truck window etc is NOT.

    Plus I so admire wolves as fellow hunters and do not want to eat one, so why would I kill one? Why do so many want to kill them?

    I think it's some deep-seated fear of the self, fear of the wild, fear of that which cannot be controlled.

    Let's hope Sandra Cookie's "good feeling" proves true!

  3. Anonymous3:40 PM


    I am praying with all my heart and soul for God to give Obama strength...he's going to need it in the years to come.

    Palin got what she deserved, being dissected during the campaign. McCain was foolish to pick someone so extreme.

    Happy trails,

    Connie :)
